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Section: New Results

Formal study of cryptography

Participants : Gilles Barthe [IMDEA] , Sonia Belaid [THALES and ENS] , François Dupressoir [IMDEA] , Pierre-Alain Fouque [Université de Rennes 1 and Institut universitaire de France] , Cédric Fournet [Microsoft Research] , Benjamin Grégoire [correspondant] , Benedikt Schmidt [IMDEA] , Pierre-Yves Strub [IMDEA] , Nikhil Swamy [Microsoft Research] , Mehdi Tibouchi [NTT Secure Platform Laboratories] , Santiago Zanella-Béguelin [Microsoft Research] , Jean-Christophe Zapalowicz [Inria] .

The goal of this work is to provide a friendly tool easily usable by cryptographers without knowledge of formal proof assistants. The idea is to use the techniques formally proved in Certycrypt and to call SMT-provers. We provide two differents tools EasyCrypt and ZooCrypt .

This year, we worked on the following topics: